It’s all in your head! The struggle, the lack, the incompetence, the failure, the negative. If you could only shut yourself up or redirect your mindset to more positive thinking, that would completely change your world. Smita Das Jain is a certified Personal Empowerment Life Coach, Executive Coach, and NLP
Mass Appeal is seeking DIY loungewear fashion trends for the August 2022 publication. Think lounging and relaxation activities for men and women etc. This pre-fall season a new collection will soon appear, and we know that it will be expensive, hard to find, and we may even think we can’t
Summer 2022 is going to ooze sexy, sophisticated style while, at times, taking us back to the nineties. Expect oversized pastel colors, adorable matching activewear sets, cardigan styles we rocked decades ago, and all-black faux leather everything. The latter isn’t particularly summer-esque, but there are no weather limitations regarding fashion
Did you know your skin is the largest organ in your body? Yes, it is. The health of your skin impacts your internal organs, and vice-versa. Food, medicines, vaccines, and other toxins affect your health and wellness. Marylyne Ghati, the founder of Clean Beauty Coach, says we know how important
Marylyne Ghati, the founder of Clean Beauty Coach, says beauty trends are constantly changing, and new looks are always emerging. But one thing that has remained consistent is the desire to be healthy and look good simultaneously. Instead of achieving perfection and beauty, these trends focus on health and wellness.
Does your energy-in match your energy-out? People say you’re difficult. They say you act like you don’t care; they say you are mean, but what is happening inside you may not be what they see externally. You put a smile on your face and pretend everything is okay, but deep
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