An open mind is an attractive quality, and it demonstrates that you are not rigid in your thoughts or beliefs. You may not agree with how others think or feel, but you are open to listening and understanding. In @massappealmagazine learn how being open may change your life. Read more
Discipline is the most potent form of self-love; it requires ignoring distractions and pleasures to achieve a better reward. Discipline is forgoing hanging out with friends to finish your education or work, for example. Learn how to ramp up your discipline in @massappealmagazine. Read more to get the entire story
A new magazine issue is out, and it is all about Discipline. Most people won’t tell you why discipline is necessary to achieve your goals, but in this issue of @massappealmagazine, we spell all the tea! Check out the new issue now! Read more to get the entire story at
In this issue of Mass Appeal, we encourage our readers to exercise empathy when a situation may be uncomfortable or ignites a negative emotion. Stop and think about how another person might feel; it may change your perspective and release your anger. @massappealmagazine #empathy
The April issue is now available! Log on to www.massappealmagazine.com to check it out! This issue is about empathy for you, me, and everyone. #loveislove #massappeal #empathy
Clearful is a guided journal and diary with a lock for daily mental health, productivity, self-care, mindfulness, and gratitude journaling. Be more mindful of the use of journal prompts and daily diary reflections. See its benefits in this month’s #APPtitude Read more to get the entire story at Mass Appeal
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