Self Confidence Comes First

January is about fresh starts. The first month of the year often incorporates new habits with the social practice of new year’s resolutions. One habit Mass Appeal Magazine wants to hone? Building confidence. Our contributors offer expert advice on this matter. This month readers will shed the past, perfect the present and build armor for the future. Get started.
The Past is Truly in the Past
We begin with ‘Moral Code.’ Lauren Sergy is a workplace communication specialist and the January contributor. Sergy notes the power in apologizing first. Although the issue was in the past, a present apology could alter the future of a relationship. There’s power in setting the tone for the ‘sorry’ as well. May all the troubles melt away.
Tim Lee takes this concept even further. In ‘Surrender,’ Lee discusses the art of letting go. He even proposes it as the perfect new year’s resolution. Don’t let your emotional energy drain. Pick yourself up for a better tomorrow. Surrendering leads to confidence.
The Present of Confidence
Do yourself a favor and read January’s ‘Shape.’ The contributor is registered dietitian, barre instructor, and yoga teacher, Julia Oliver. She promotes a morning workout routine and its countless benefits. Releasing endorphins first thing in the morning can chart the course of one’s day. Oliver recommends various workout options and post-recovery meals/snacks. Find confidence in your physical strength.
Keep prioritizing yourself with ‘Inside Out.’ Mona Kirstein, PhD wants us to put our needs and desires at the forefront this year in all aspects of our lives. Set the boundaries, write in the journal, practice patience and more.
The Future is Now
Meanwhile, read the heartbreak suffered by Julianne Elise Beffa. Her first love challenged her world view once it all came crashing down. But she chose herself. Beffa knew her future was more important than wallowing over a boy. Learn how she grew brighter and stronger. Confidence can come from hard times too.
Lastly, we end with the words of a beloved children’s book. Melanie Manard shares an inspiring quote from The Petite Prince in January’s ‘Affirm.’ Celebrate new beginnings.
Cultivate confidence with Mass Appeal Magazine. Read the full articles in the January 2024 issue.
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