Feeding The Mind

Reading is one of the best pathways to self-improvement; however, many don’t have the time. In this issue of “925,” Christina Allen shares excellent ideas to continue increasing your knowledge and how tools such as audiobooks can be advantageous. Read the article “Feeding The Mind” for the advantages and disadvantages. Here’s an excerpt from this article:
“Reading allows us to transform ideas in the book in our heads and apply them to our work and study, but if you want to read in-depth, it should be a physical book. In short, reading the content on your own vs. others telling you the content verbally create very different experiences.”
925 provides tips for high school and college graduates entering the workforce and adult life. These articles assist readers in navigating their visions and adjusting to their transitioning environments. Read more of this article on www.massappealmagazine.com/magazine
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