Innocence is a Form of Communication

Innocence and communication are interlocked. One must communicate thoughtfully to remain innocent. And innocence blossoms with communication. We dive deep into this connection in the February 2024 issue of Mass Appeal Magazine. It’s still early enough in the year to put this all into practice. Of course, it’s not a February publication without some reference to Valentines Day. Yes, we focus on romance, but social connections as well. Master your communication in these areas with our contributors.
Love Month
Perhaps the best way to begin is the feat of that first conversation. Julie Morris helps us find our confidence to approach that attractive someone. In ‘Fuse,’ Morris utilizes her personal experience to educate readers. Whether you’re asking for their number or proposing a first date, learn how to take the leap with ease. The nerves will remain, but you’ll preserve.
Already coupled up? Find love letter tips in ‘Paper.’ Seasoned relationship coach Chris Gillis walks us through this classic, but easily cliché practice. Gillis notes the power a love letter holds when done right. Dig deep, think about your partner thoughtfully, and let it all out. XOXO.
Romantic relationships have never been known to be easy. In February’s ‘Noise,’ Sam Holmes shares advice on the numerous disturbances that can affect a couple. Embrace your narrative, trust your partner, and listen deeply. Find the love once more.
Let’s Talk Innocence
Maintaining composure in front of a camera is quite a feat. Often public relations (PR) professionals coach clients to make it look effortless. PR Manager Collin Schuck chronicles the tips and tricks he’s learned on this topic over the years in ‘Buzz.’ He covers briefing documents, media training, and mock interviews. Even if you’re not a celebrity promoting your newest project, these skills go a long way toward confidence.
Body language is briefly touched upon in the previous article, but more so in ‘Body Talk.’ Sophie Cress discusses the link between physical movement and innocence. Whether it’s intentional or not, it’s important to understand how your facial expressions and body movements are conveyed. Communicate clearly.
We end with a form of boundary setting, a sign of strong communication. ‘Social Networth’ covers the power of the mute button. A way to maintain innocence and peace of mind, Oliver Scott champions ‘muting’ others when they make us feel exhausted or angry. He covers various reasons for muting. Although, it’s important to trust your gut feeling in these situations.
To reach your full potential, read the full pieces in the February 2024 edition of Mass Appeal Magazine.
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