On To The Next Chapter

Helena Lucia walked away from a lucrative career in technology to pursue entrepreneurship and focus on mental health, and it paid off big time! She shares how her skills from technology and even her first job at Burger King translated well to her new role. This story is excellent for those wanting to transition to something new and different by using their current skillset to enter a field that makes them happier. Read the full story “On To The Next Chapter” in this segment of “Transferable.” Here’s an excerpt from this article:
“I carried many of the skills that I learned as a software engineer into the spirit of my business. In software, we learn to create an MVP (minimum viable product) end-to-end and then iterate based on the customer’s needs. This system helped me become a much nimbler entrepreneur. I have been able to carry many software engineering principles into the day-to-day of creating a conscious, creative business.”
Transitioning from one field or work environment to another can be challenging. Transferrable explores how workers’ skills and experience in one area may be helpful in another. Read more of this article on www.massappealmagazine.com/magazine.
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