Stand Up & Be Counted

Standing up and being counted has a different meaning when correcting your posture. In this issue of “Body Talk,” Leslie Radka shares tips to improve posture and the benefits of standing and sitting correctly. Posture, whether good or bad, can impact how others perceive you. In the article, “Stand Up & Be Counted,” you will find excellent tools to help you make a great statement. Here’s an excerpt from this article:
“Do not cross your legs. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your ankles in front of your knees. Make sure your feet are touching the floor, or use a footrest if this is impossible. Relax your shoulders; they should not be rounded or pulled backward. Maintain a close relationship between your elbows and your body to a 90-120-degree angle. Make sure your back is properly supported. If your chair lacks a backrest that can support the curve of your lower back, use a back pillow or another form of back support.”
Body Talk offers articles and tips that focus on body language and an essential communication aspect. This section shares how different poses and facial expressions create different meanings and differ across cultures. Read more of this article on
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