Harvest A Good First Impression

Harvest that successful first impression. Foster the conversation. Be mindful at work, school and abroad. You never know who a stranger will become. Mass Appeal Magazine’s writers are here to get those initial meetings just right. Like the falling leaves of September, take your time.
Harvest the Right Career Skills
Start with proper work etiquette this autumn. ‘Savoir Faire’ is covered by George Yang. Here, Yang talks etiquette regarding sickness at work. As a business founder, Yang knows how to balance this discussion. An apt discussion too, as sick season is just around the corner. He notes the only way to navigate this is through effective communication. Be mindful of sneezing. Stay organized on sick time. Know when to stay home and come in.
Jonathan Feniak is the ultimate professional when it comes to harvesting skills. In ‘Transferable,’ Feniak discusses moving from legal counsel to head of finance. He notes it has been a rewarding experience, allowing him to apply his attention to detail and negotiation strategies. Note the skills you gain along the way.
Notable First Impressions
Say ‘hello’ to Ikinya, a young Brazilian singer/songwriter. The focus of September’s ‘On the Rise.’ Ikinya’s music is a harmonious blend of rap, MPB (Música Popular Brasileira), and funk. These sounds reflect her life experiences. She is becoming quite the beacon of Brazilian culture as Sara Wetzel writes.
Travel ignites first impressions. Guillaume Drew found this to be true in his life. In September’s ‘910,’ Drew details a crucial professional meet and greet. He met a foreign business partner who later proved to be an incredible ally. Yet it did not seem obvious at first. Harvest your connection
“It’s Textbook”
We end with a school year kick-off. Giulia Bianchi contributes to this ‘925.’ Bianchi is a highly skilled and dedicated psychologist and consultant. She advises students on how to start right so the middle and end breeze by. Study with intention. Harvest your knowledge this September, autumn and beyond.
To read the full pieces, look to the September 2024 edition of Mass Appeal Magazine.
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