Crafted Gracefully

Read “Crafted Gracefully” as Grace Thomas shares her inspirations of two stars, Hailey Baldwin-Bieber, and Michael B. Jordan, who transformed their look into dazzling and dangerous in this “Style Icon.” Here’s an excerpt from this article:
“Hailey is a household name, not because she is married to Justin, but because she has solidified her place as a fashion icon. Hailey’s fashion has evolved over the years and is now a constant source of inspiration for street-style fashion. Michael has come a long way from his cornrows and oversized t-shirts in the early days of his career. His career has grown, and so has his style. His image is now considered one of the best in Hollywood.”
Style Icon features the most fabulous fashion-forward celebrities from music to modeling, sport to film, and television. Read more of this article on
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