Finding a career and college recruitment have changed completely. It is crucial for youth to have solid strategies to improve their employment and college recruitment outcomes. Sherry Morgan shares how you can jumpstart your career path in January’s edition of 925. Read more to get the entire story at Mass
My first competition was five months after my sister’s accident. I went to New Zealand for seven days and skied the two training days and one competition day. Jeanee Crane-Mauzy explains how this event changed her life in Arrested Development. @massappealmagazine
Lauren Ross lost her executive-level job at the Saks Fifth Avenue corporate office in New York City after ten years. Her termination was a life-changing event, prompting her to start Lauren Ross Design. Read #Atelier for her inspiring story in @massappealmagazine #massappeal
Lucas Silveira lived most of his life feeling like he had a bullseye on his back for assaults on his self-esteem. So he built a suit of armor to protect himself. He realized it kept him disconnected from himself & his self-worth. Read Bulletproof for his story @massappealmagazine
Smart casual is considered casual wear but with a sense of “well-dressed” elements of a proper lounge suit from traditional informal wear. This issue of Dress Code shows how to master smart casual in @massappealmagazine. #massappeal #fashion Read more to get the entire story at Mass Appeal Magazine
Soft skills like customer service, conflict resolution, and building customer trust are hard to quantify, but if you can, they become complete gamechangers for businesses. Find more of Kyle Risley’s story in “Transferable” @Massappealmagazine #massappeal
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