Confidence With And Without Control

Control doesn’t come all at once. It’s a gradual process. And a practice in itself. Therefore, it’s essential to be patient and stay curious as you boost your own. Move through it with intentionality and acceptance that you may lose it every once in a while. This February, Mass Appeal Magazine is here to find that balance. To grow with confidence while feeling in control. Look inward, outward, and all around. Our contributors have your back.
Inner Control
To begin, ‘Surrender’ focuses on the mind. Lisa Anderson wants readers to look inside themselves. Surrender can feel like a release of tension, providing peace and relief. It often requires a shift in focus from trying to control everything to being present in the moment and open to new possibilities. Surrendering doesn’t mean you stop taking action. Instead, you take action without being attached to specific results.
Maintain this inner knowledge with February’s ‘Bulletproof.’ Find control no matter your upbringing. Licensed therapist Angela Sitka encourages readers to look back in order to look forward. When triggered, reminding oneself of internal strengths can help combat feelings of powerlessness. Try the mantra: “Decisions about the end of this conversation are within one’s control.”
Outward Confidence
A quick way to boost self-esteem? Exercise. George Yang shows us how to find the right core workout. ‘Shape’ shows it doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating to get those abs. Our cores impact the rest of our bodies. Give them attention with Mass Appeal Magazine. It’s time to perfect those planks!
Another means to increase confidence is reciting daily affirmations. Ben Johnson brings us inspiring words from Lao Tzu. Finding control is a delicate act as shown in ‘Affirm.’ Remind yourself that control is not about eliminating uncertainty but embracing it. It’s about cultivating inner fortitude to navigate the unpredictable with confidence.
Write and Right
Maya Borgueta continues our self-care journey. In February’s ‘Inside Out,’ Borgueta shows us a specific technique when feeling a loss of control. Grab the paper and pen. Confidence will follow. Mass Appeal Magazine ensures that. By concentrating on what is within control and accepting what is not, one can maintain a healthier perspective and focus efforts where they are most effective.
The last piece in our ‘Confidence’ features is ‘Moral Code.’ Geoge Yang takes the reins here. Yang discusses body autonomy. An appropriate conversation given the political climate. See how he explores this conversation in the ‘Control’ issue.
To read the full articles, go to the February 2025 issue of Mass Appeal Magazine.
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