Mental Sentencing

The ability to speak and think freely is not afforded to everyone. In the article “Mental Sentencing,” Danilo Coviello shares how his upbringing restricted him from the ability to do what was indeed in his heart. The rules and regulations required to fit in aren’t always in the best interest of everyone; it’s to control others, says Coviello. While the intentions may have been honorable, he felt like he was dying inside. Read his story in the latest issue of “Moral Code.” Here’s an excerpt from this article:
“My freedom came when I took a course at the University. Philosophy, to be precise. I became enlightened and fully understood why we live our lives as we do. I understood how society adopts morality and discipline as a tool to control people to fit in the community they created. I am a lover of wisdom and now have the courage to criticize the ideas by which people live. The university environment, for me, was like a rehab center.”
People sometimes fall short of demonstrating good character. Still, ethics and professionalism are essential to get ahead in life, are they? Moral Code explores society’s ever-changing moral landscape to determine what still matters, what has changed, and how to demonstrate “good ethics” in our lives daily. Read more of this article on
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