Tools of Life

Most of us have parts of our lives that we are unhappy about and often think about what we would do differently if given a chance. In this issue of “Art of the Game,” Cynthia Halow, Paul Mallory, Patrick Casey, and Sonu Bubna share what they would tell their ten-year-old selves in the article “Tools of Life.” What would you do differently? Here’s an excerpt from this article:
“When we take responsibility for everything we do, we are also accountable for its outcomes. Knowing that you are responsible for an outcome gives you control over it, and you’ll exert more effort for its success. Whether it be a hobby or philanthropy, I can say that taking responsibility for things that I can control helps me sleep like a baby at night.”
They say the game is to be sold, not told. Not at Mass Appeal; we are here to give you all The Art of the Game. We share what it takes to get in the game and win through wisdom and truth. In this master class, leaders in their expertise areas help readers uncover what it takes to win! Read more of this article on
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